Category: Uncategorized

The Better Planet Project

As a nation, we’ve never been more aware of the impact we’re having on our environment. The planet is warming at a rate we have never experienced in our lifetimes and it is time to take action. We are proud to share with you the initiatives developed by one of our brands, Better You, to help revolutionise their impact on the environment.

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January is often a popular time for people to think about a detox to cleanse the body having eaten, drunk and been merry over the festive period. Thankfully there are all kinds of great detox programmes on the market to help. These might include herbal supplements, drinks or teas and the health benefits include weight management, cleansed liver, resting and hydrating your gut, improved skin condition, energy and immune system.

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Vitamin D Awareness Week (October 24th-30th)

This is Vitamin D Awareness Week and we are asking…

‘Are you Vitamin D aware?’

Vitamin D hits the headlines again as Public Health England are recommending that everyone should supplement with Vitamin D during the Autumn and Winter months, amid the concern that millions of Brits are deficient in this vital Vitamin, crucial to so many functions. Not only is it essential to help maintain a strong immune system, we also need it to support our mood and it is critical for healthy bones and teeth.

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Do you or a loved one suffer with the symptoms of Hayfever at this time of the year? Sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose, allergic reactions are just some of the annoying symptoms caused by histamine levels rocketing as the body reacts to pollen.

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